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Judges Discuss Criminal Justice Template ECCMIS Template
Participants that took part in the validation the user requirements and Court business processes for the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS)

NAKAWA: A cross-section of Judicial Officers comprised Judges, Registrars and Magistrates from the Anti-Corruption Division(ACD), Criminal, and International Crimes Divisions of the High Court as well as Jinja High Court on Tuesday (March 17, 2020) took part in the validation the user requirements and Court business processes for the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS).

Judges;Hon. Justice David K. Wangutusi, Hon. Justice Lawrence Gidudu, Hon. Lady Justice Flavia Ssenoga Anglin, Hon. Lady Justice Dr. Winfred Nabisinde, Hon. Lady Justice Lydia Mugambe, Hon. Lady Justice Jane Okuo Kajuga and Hon. Lady Justice Jeanne Rwakakobo, took part in the exercise which took place at the Judicial Training Institute in Nakawa.

The workshop was flagged off by the Chairperson of ECCMIS Steering Committee, Court of Appeal’s Justice Hon. Justice Fredrick Martin Egonda-Ntende who shared that when he joined the Judiciary in 1991 there was only one computer which was being accessed by only the Chief Justice. He said this has changed over the years and are now in the era of e-Justice which should be welcomed by all.

The Technical Advisor of the ECCMIS Project, Ms Julian Rweju, said they are now looking at streamlining transactions with Courts with a view of building full e-Court capability.

She noted that under the current Court Case Administrators System (CCAS), the courts have maintained both a manual register and the online system. Ms Rweju said this has been one of the contributors of unreliable data which ECCMIS,once implemented will cure.

ECCMIS is a fully-featured system that automates and tracks all aspects of a case life cycle from initial filing through disposition and appeal.

The consultant's project managers, Ms Lilit Gasparyan, Ms Karine Gevorgyan, Mr Karen Avestisyan who made online presentations, took participants through the different business processes under ECCMIS and the detailed prototypes.

Among the features on ECCMIS is the general system which allows system management to categorize cases, dictionary service to correct spellings, template export to manage data, form management as to what information to feed in done by the system administrator without the help of the synergy, notifications in a configurable way sent wherever need arises with the case number, date and the body communicating the purpose, page management with different pages that can be configure as well as policies.

The plus is that everything in the system is audited; that is upload, deletion,notifications, changes, who edited, when it was last edited as well as a monitoring.

In Execution matters, online auction is one of the focus areas envisaged to ensure transparency in the process.

Their Lordships and other distinguished participants made their input which was captured by the ECCMIS Technical Committee for purposes of updating the document.

The project has a governing structure that is spearheaded by the project steering committee chaired by Hon. Justice Egonda-Ntende. Below it is the Technical Committee chaired by Hon. Lady Justice Immaculate Busingye with HW Ayebare Tumwebazeas co-chair.

In his concluding remarks, Hon. Justice Egonda-Ntende urged the Judges to ensure that they utilize the electronic docket and ensure that all rulings and documents are uploaded to avoid retrials or loss of documents. This he said was one of the ways to prepare for the new system.

He commended the facilitators for their dedication to ensure that the training continues in spite of the corona virus pandemic.

The training continued on Wednesday with the Supreme Court making their input.

Posted 17th, March 2020
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